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DeepSky Ranch

Current Conditions

DeepSky Conditions

The Oregon Masquerade Continues

The Central Coast is still doing a pretty good imitation of northern Coastal Oregon, with a mix of marine layer and high, wispy clouds drifting in. Temperature is cool-ish, with a slight haze to be seen and an occaisonal patch of palest blue mixed in with the clouds.The wind has calmed down almost to the point of stillness, which is a little more like normal conditions for this time of year.

Yesterday All Over Again

Definitely another coastal spring day, with high overcast and a few patches of blue sky showing through grayish-whit clouds drifting in from Monterey Bay.

Typical Coastal Day

Started out with the fog drifting in from Monterey Bay, but has mostly cleared out now (9:45 AM). Hills are rapidly losing their green hue, softening through brown to gold.

Winter's Given Up

Warm and quite still today, probably the last weekend of green. Hummingbirds are busy.

Shifting Spring Weather

There's a bit of fog blowing in from Monterey Bay in front of enough wind to wave the fruit tree limbs. Not enough weather to merit blanketing the horses.

Current Observations

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